As evident from this website, there are many aspects of Capitalism Nature Socialism that are not or cannot be represented in the official printed version.
Part of maintaining this website involves enlivening it with a wide range of activities, like sharing stories and artwork, soliciting and diffusing topical reports, promoting debate, and the like. More importantly, we would like to support the work of intellectuals who have a lot of insights to offer but get little coverage or legitimacy in the academic and/or English-speaking worlds.
We support such intellectuals already by seeking and/or translating their work, making it available through the print version of the journal or this website, and by collecting funds for their organisations. There is much more that we could do, such as making the journal content more widely available, funding subscriptions for prisoners, establishing grants for radical independent research, and involving a wider range of contributors in multiple languages. But like many organisations, we are constrained by the amount of work we can collectively devote to all these tasks and by the funds we have available.
If you would like to sustain the activities, approaches, and political commitment represented in Capitalism Nature Socialism, you can post a cheque made to Capitalism Nature Socialism at the following address:
Capitalism Nature Socialism
c/o Ecosocialist Horizons
P.O. Box 1111
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA
Or you can make a tax-deductible donation online at (please specify that the amount is for Capitalism Nature Socialism).
If you are strapped for cash but want to contribute, let us know what kind of work you can do and volunteer to help develop this website further or to become involved in other ways for Capitalism Nature Socialism, like making and spreading flyers, helping at conferences and meetings, translating work in multiple languages, and many other kinds of activity.