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Guacamaya: 4th Communique

Guacamaya: 4th Communique

Illustration of jungle animals with a red bird on a laptop

The following is an English translation of the Guacamaya communique accompanying the Repressive Forces leaks of military and police documents from Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and El Salvador in the fall of 2022.

Original Spanish:


Throughout Abya Yala, nation-states or countries were born after the supposed “independence” of the monarchy of Spain, England, Portugal, and France. These new nation-states based (and continue to base) their systems on the model of the “former invader” itself: the Global North. The countries of Abya Yala are today the inheritance of colonialism, assuming concepts called progress, civilization, and the organization of states of the Global North. Therefore, capitalism, borders, and mass production came along with the vision of the earth and nature as an enemy to be dominated and wrung out along with people. It is within these supposed independences and in a supposed path to freedom and democracy, where weaponized armies are created under political constitutions. Armies were understood as entities that guarantee the autonomy and freedom of their nations, just as it was understood in the former metropolis.

In this way, other armed forces are also appearing which, under the pretext of guaranteeing internal order, freedom, and well-being, are welcomed under the umbrella of constitutions and under the very formation of nation-states. Entities such as the police with their derivatives of civil, military, local, national, transit, etc. begin to exercise control and a monopoly of violence at the intra-state level.

This is a paradox assimilated for no more than 300 years, after the independence movements that created replicas of the former metropolis. With the independence of the states, democracy, rights, social justice and peace established in the “founding” constitutions as a fact, they have been eclipsed by the creation of these entities and armed military apparatuses. Presumably, they are necessary because the country is at continuous risk of invasion, because the population is going to organize in crime, and there are going to be groups that attack the State. It is seen that despite all the benefits that the model of the Global North can be, states assume that people will organize by nature to create unrest and violence. Something absurd.

It is clear that this is not the case, the governments of the Abya Yala countries are in their vast majority of “Creole” families. Born in Abya Yala, but from families from the north with an inheritance that came from the dispossession of native people. They were not interested in the population, nor in maintaining a healthy respect for Mother Earth. They are governments functional to the interests of capitalism based on extractivism. Therefore, they need a shock force. They need armed forces to guarantee the appeasement of any vestige of discontent. The creation of armies as institutional entities, as an organized and professional armed force, is a guarantee for states their inhabitants will be kept imprisoned. The police minimize the risk that the people exercise their dignified right to protest, to destroy the system that oppresses them. The army minimizes social tensions and war; whether within the state or between nation-states, it is nothing more than an escape valve for tensions to disintegrate in a more tangible way. Before a warning of war, the State calls the union, calls to enlist in the army, or makes isolation mandatory. In several Abya Yala countries, there is “compulsory military service”. Children approaching adulthood are forced to be part of the armies. There they are victims of torture and degrading treatment in favor of creating “men” defenders of the homeland. The army is a factory of murderers, rapists, and paranoid people. No person who has passed through their ranks becomes mentally healthy again. The abuse of drugs (speed, LSD, anabolic steroids, etc.) in drinks and food among young soldiers is well-known.

Both in the armed armies and in the police, their internal way of proceeding, their own structure, is based on corruption. The horrors within his pyramidal organization of power are based on having the new subjects subjected to any kind of vexation and psychological processes that make them insensitive, apathetic, violent, and dangerous people. This is a classist and racist pyramidal system, since the police and common soldiers come from poor families who are the ones who go through the streets or jungles, while the “middle managers” (captains and generals) are the ones who direct and come from the bourgeois classes.

Throughout the Abya Yalence territory (from Mexico to Patagonia) openly and under the world’s gaze, with the support of the North American empire or direct interventions by the United States military, [the people] have suffered “coups d’état”, which have guaranteed long military dictatorships, and have been useful in imposing “experimental laboratories” of sociological shock to dominate, minimize, and subdue the people. The United States trained about 125,000 soldiers in Abya Yala between 1950 and 1998. Under the National Security Doctrine, the US-Americans also launched Operation Condor, one of the plans designed in Washington to end the opposition to allied regimes, imposing some twenty military dictatorships. Dictatorships that have imposed terror through thousands of disappeared youth-children, through torture, genocide, extermination of groups in rural and urban areas, massive rapes, and a long list of horrors. In addition, dictatorships that are not openly public have been installed since the time of independence and have been supported by the United States and northern countries. Thus, in a large part of the Abya Yalence territories, military power is behind the supposed civil and democratic governments and from there arises this new model of government in some regions of “narco-paramilitary states”, where the state-military is combined with paramilitaries (illegal armies) giving them free rein or being indistinguishable.

On the other hand, to this day, the armies of Abya Yala have guaranteed and facilitated the entry of extractive companies from the Global North. They are permissive with these, they are the bodyguards of said companies. The weaponized army is the one that carries out the dirty work of the states, of the corporations, of organized crime such as drug trafficking. At the same time, they are obedient and trained directly by the North American empire that also physically has its bases in the territory of Abya Yala.

As for the police with their derivatives, they are at the service of corrupt governments. It is part of this network, just like the army. The police entities of Abya Yala, like the army, are armed entities that guarantee oppression, injustice, the terror that, against the peoples, guarantees the dispossession of the land of peasants, indigenous people, and Afro-descendants. They guarantee extractivism. They guarantee neoliberal and capitalist systems.

To make it clear, the military armies and police forces of the Abya Yala States guarantee US imperialism’s dominance, they guarantee the extractivist presence of the Global North. They are violent repressive forces, criminals against the peoples themselves, and their internal pyramidal organization charts of power are also reprehensible.

Although it is not the specific reason for this communiqué, just to say that the police and the armies maintain the Western “ideology” of infantilizing the people, acting as “fathers” (men of course), punishers of “bad conduct”, that they have exercised the monopoly of violence, and how in the armies of “independence” forced and used Indigenous and Black people as cannon fodder.

All this is a latent and visible but not spoken truth, except for some regions where the people are demanding the military forces dismantle. Centuries of violence and dictatorship, centuries of the future and of life existing in the hands of genocidal psychopaths. For this reason, we Guacamaya infiltrate their systems and expose the documentation of these entities of terror, where what has been described above is demonstrated.

We deliver this to the peoples of Abya Yala to stir up the dignified rage, so that those who have not seen, see; to think and rethink ourselves in resistances, to rethink the liberation of the peoples and of Mother Earth.

We leak military and police systems from Mexico, Peru, Salvador, Chile, Colombia and deliver this to those who legitimately do what they can with this information.

Guacamaya invites the peoples of Abya Yala to hack and infiltrate these systems of repression, domination, and enslavement that dominates us, and for the peoples to decide to find a way to free ourselves from state terrorism.