Pedagogy of Insurrection speaks to the ambiguity of Peter McLaren’s insurgent political philosophy: he describes himself as a revolutionary Marxist, a Roman Catholic socialist, and a critic of the state capitalism of the USSR, while defending the social-democratic Latin American governments associated with the “Pink Tide.”
Climate change is being wielded as a neoliberal weapon to create the idea of the “green economy” in the hopes of maintaining the state and growing economies, processes that continue land conflict and pacification.
On the Paris COP; peace and ethics for ecosocialism; ecological civilisation; an eco-marxist take on environment and crisis; GMO resisters; tensions between research and activism; imperialism in Africa; electronic waste; poetry and reviews
From a Qur’anic perspective, much of what is labelled “halal” is actually haraam, or sinful, specifically the animal flesh that has been produced in cruel and toxic environments to their bodies and souls, and our own.
On the outcomes of the COP21 Paris Agreement, climate justice activists and scientists generally have very sober assessments.
Klein’s book is robust condemnation of many dangerous mentalities, priorities, and policies driven by various forms of climate change denial. A dramatic and well-written policy critique that broad audiences interested in environmental studies and globalization will greatly appreciate for its content and readability.
Capitalism Nature Socialism is pleased to announce Radical Natures, a new book series published by West Virginia University Press and edited by David Correia, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Mazen Labban, and Judith Watson.
On the year of the soil; the camp for climate action; China and climate change; struggles against toxic waste in Italy; poverty and development in the Amazon; spatial fix and metabolic rift; Pareto optimality sucks; coal politics in Spain
Seasonal Workers makes the lives and livelihoods of agricultural workers visible within the geography of agro-industrial production, allowing us to confront the contradictions of a region symbolizing healthy eating through the paradigm of a Mediterranean diet that focuses on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, yet pits agricultural workers from three continents against one another.
Mexico’s climate of violence and insecurity does not negatively affect the business of mining, a fact that is both curious and intriguing.
La violencia y el clima de inseguridad en Mexico no estorban al quehacer productivo y los negocios mineros, lo cual es intrigante y curioso al mismo tiempo.
The crisis in Western Asia and North Africa keeps deepening. Neither the key North American…
The crisis of the dominant system marks the end of an epoch. It is not another phase of the same.
Capitalism’s satanic geographies in South Africa; solar communism for Venezuela; a special section on South Asia struggles past and present; participatory economics; plus film and book reviews
The Red Nation Ten-Point Programme; climate justice in South Africa; the 2014 Climate March; Obama’s greenhouse gas plans; degrowth and anarchism; an eco-marxist take on Marx’s concept of the forces of production; on Geoff Mann
It is becoming clear that an energy transition will require the massive mobilization of the public sector and state power.
A primer on ecosocialism as radical social theory and leftist political practice.
The eurozone crisis is creating rifts within the ruling class and thus an opening that is more progressive than the one adopted up to now.
An ecosocialist take on Rojava; the fight against mega-projects in South Africa; a special section on environmental risks and social struggles; Gezi Park; plus poetry and book reviews