Now Reading
Volume 17, Number 1, 2006

Volume 17, Number 1, 2006

As a way to offer free access to the Capitalism Nature Socialism catalogue, the links below offer the pre-print proofs of articles. For purposes of citation, please locate the published version of this issue in the journal archive.


House Organ

House Organ
by Joel Kovel


For New Orleans, 9/7/05
by Mikhail Horowitz


A Letter from New Orleans: Reclusian Reflections on an Unnatural Disaster
by John Clark

CNS Conference Keynote

“War is the Father of All Things” (Heraclitus)
“But Nature is the Mother of Life” (Claudia von Werlhof)

by Maria Mies

Challenging Assumptions

Silences and Double Binds: Why the Theories of John Dewey and Paolo Freire Cannot Contribute to Revitalizing the Commons
by C.A. Bowers

Theory and Praxis

Ecofeminism and Forest Defense in Cascadia: Gender, Theory and Radical Activism
by Chaone Mallory


Investigating Biopolitics: Promises and Limitations
by Ahmed Allahwala

About Immaterial Labor and Biopower
by Thomas Atzert

Laboring in the Network
by Christoph Hermann

Dissolved Boundaries and “Affective Labor”: On the Disappearance of Reproductive Labor and Feminist Critique in Empire
by Susanne Schultz

Capitalist Fantasies

The Right Way to Go? Earth Sanctuaries and Market-based Conservation
by Jasmin Sydee and Sharon Beder


The System of Sustainable Degradation
by Timothy W. Luke

Book Reviews

Mixing Ecology, Religion and Ethics
by Peter G. Heltzel

Water Politics
by Chelsea H. Snelgrove

Reimagining Landscape
by Sarah Jacquette

Grappling With Sustainability
by Richard Plate

Book Notes

On Ecological Medicine
by Jeri Pollock

Sustainable Cities
by Philip Sutton